Design by Noah Ihno. Inspired by the theme "Scribblings" from

Where is my mind ?

As I was supposed to write a letter to get a new job, my pen took the wrong way… I can show you the fruit of “its” laziness. Well, I should say : the fruit of my unconscious acts.You might won’t understand this last sentence, it’s ok cause me and my pencil neither !


After drawing this next one, I noticed a white face in the middle, and also upside down.


Donald Duck seems to be high, maybe like me…


On the walls of our ancestors, primary paintings of disappeared edible creatures…

Publié: 11:03 AM sous Hand made - Aucun commentaire. Tags: , , ,

backyard from aurore’s house!


thanks your bbq

thanks your foods

thanks your kind

thanks your warm place

thanks your friendly

thanks your pets

thanks everything

love you forever

: )

Publié: 04:11 PM sous Journey, Life, Share - Aucun commentaire.

The galaxy of frogs.

Hey !

It was fine to see you again ! Your journey in Paris was full of culture, and even more ( as it can be seen above…). Tell me, show us your pictures and impressions about this trip. Quick please !


Well, for myself, I keep on painting. this week I tried to use watercolour on Chinese paper.

The result is very different than on regular paper, it looks unreal.

…Pink Land !

Publié: 11:48 AM sous Non classé - Aucun commentaire. Tags: , , , ,


i went to Dundee to join DCA’s ( dundee college of art)  degree show with many friends!

i enjoy seeing these master pieces!

let’s see below pictures together!



interior design

graphic design

fashion design


: )

seems illustration ( sorry, i am not sure! )

Publié: 12:21 AM sous Life, Share - Aucun commentaire. Tags:

The Tree vertigo

Publié: 02:02 PM sous Journey - Aucun commentaire. Tags: ,