Design by Noah Ihno. Inspired by the theme "Scribblings" from

The fish paper

Dear Wan Ju, dear all,


I have a book of Japanese haikkus, actually my very own Bible ! -here is a haiku from this book (in french ) ; I wrote it and put it on a photography of mine and a little painting of mine too.



“The little white fishes, don’t they look like the spirit of water running?”-an approximate translation, sorry…

Konishi Raizan ( 17th century ) is the author.



” This morning, the sun has sprung from a sardine’s head”.

Yosa Buson ( 18th century ).


Publié: 05:47 PM


Publié: 04:29 PM

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Publié: 04:26 PM


Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.

Publié: 04:23 PM

fly flew flown flying

i am back from bologna , i am going to taiwan tomorrow.


Publié: 06:43 AM